White Snake is a 2019 Chinese animation fantasy film directed by Amp Wong and Zhao Ji, produced by Light Chaser Animation, and distributed in North America by GKIDS Films. More information about the film can be found here.
It is loosely inspired by one of the most famous Chinese Romance Folktales, the Legend of White Snake, and served as a prequel to its original story. Since it's heavily based on Chinese mythology and folklores, it might be a bit elusive and confusing for those who aren't familiar with those topics.
DON'T WORRY! We are here to provide some fun information about the film, such as mythical background, characters and songs! Hope you can get a bit of deep insight about this beautiful story and its plot details.
Note: Most of the quotes we used here are translated from original Chinese verison, so it might a bit different from what you saw in English Version.
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